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Writer's pictureNatalie

Your Career Switch

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

You've decided that it is time for a career-change. What to do next? Read more here...

Where To Begin

First off, get to why you want to make this switch in the first place. Is it because you want to fulfill a new goal in life, because you've grown out of your current field, or because you need better pay? It could be all sorts of reasons. Just make sure that it is for a non-avoidant one. Positive motivations give you more incentive to keeping going down the path of change.

How To Select A New Job Or Job-Field

You can start by going back to what you loved to do as a child or teen, and find out what kind of things make you happy. Then bring that back to the grown-up world and see how you could put those skills to use in an industry that is within your scope. If you need extra education, make sure that you have done some exploring and research on your new job options before you decide to invest a lot of time and money into a course.

Get Educated

Because you are making a switch, you might miss some of the experience needed for the jobs that have your interest. Education can make up for that lack. You can also check if there are some work experience opportunities at a company or organisation of your liking.

Get Out There

In one of my next posts, I will get into what to do once you are ready get out there and make the switch. So stay tuned for more tips!

What is the first thing you would do if you want to change fields or industries? Let me know in a comment below! You can also find me on social media...

Xoxo Natalie

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